Order Transaction Syntax:
New optional business term for Manufacturers item identification (tir01-p46). Example updated.
Editorial fix to remove example values from profileID definition.
New optional business term for requesting priority level for delivery (tir01-p47). Example updated.
New optional business term for Catalogue reference (tir01-p45).
New optional business terms for start (tir01-p48) and end (tir01-p49) times in requested delivery period on line.
Order Response Transaction:
New optional business terms for start (tir76-p012) and end (tir76-p013) times in requested delivery period on line.
Catalogue Transaction Syntax:
Editorial fix to remove exemple example values from profileID definition.
Adjusted definition of "PriceLeadTime" to reflect intendend intended use.
Changes to code lists and validation artefacts:
Added code list 4219 for Requested shipping priority.
Rule PEPPOL-COMMON-R050 (validation of Australian Business Number (ABN)) is changed to fatal.
The BIS documents and artifacts artefacts are accessible for review under the following URL:https://test-docs.peppol.eu/poacc/upgrade-3/2023-q2-member-review/
Any comments can be submitted by using the comment template. Please do not alter the template. Any altered template cannot be processed. This template must be mailed to reviews@peppol.eu.
The review period is 4 weeks and ends on 1 May 2023. All comments submitted in the review period will be processed and addressed by the Operating Office.