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The solution setup in Belgium for the business to government exchanges is composed of the following keyline elements:

  1. Mercurius: it is the centralized mailroom for reception and routing of all e-Procurement related electronic and structured documents to and from the public sector. Mercurius thereby serves the public sector in their automation projects, and ensures consistency throughout all public sector entities.

  2. Peppol: it is the "new way of posting", suited to structured electronic documents. Mercurius is fully aligned with the Peppol model. It is exclusively connected through a Peppol accesspoint

  3. Simpl.ePRIOR: interface with the public sector entities, suited to their context, and more specifically aligned with the technology in use on the public sector integrators.

  4. Mercurius portal: provides track and trace function to staff of entities using Mercurius platform. the portal reuses the Network infrastructure (proxy) and the Authentication and Authorization service


Context of this document

This document is about the Simpl.ePRIOR interface defined on the right side of the schema : it describes the interaction between the Mercurius platform and the Public sector, the customers. The other flows aren't part of this document.


Example: to receive an invoice and return a business response, the following 3-phases sequence applies to the simpl. ePRIOR consumer application:

  1. the consumer collects incoming invoice:

    1. the consumer performs a submitInboxRequest on behalf of the target business entity→ in return he gets the list of new documents available in his inbox.

      1. we assume that an invoice is waiting to be picked up

      2. we also assume that it is a Peppol BIS Invoice

    2. the consumer performs a retrieveRequest to pick up the invoice

    3. the consumer performs a markRequest to notify Mercurius that it successfully retrieved the invoice, and that the invoice can be removed from the business entity's inbox

  2. The consumer performs the appropriate business processing. This phase is out of scope of the current process. It ends up with a possible response to the original document sender

  3. The consumer performs a submitDocument Request to post a response to the original document sender, notifying him of the results of the processing by the business entity. It uses the following document format: Peppol BIS v2 MessageLevelResponse (MLR). Note: the Peppol BIS Invoice Response (IMR) is being introduced. IT will replace the MLR (for more info see later in the Guide).

Sequences of operations


Document conformance


Each time a new processing cycle starts, the collection of incoming documents takes three steps:



  1. submitInboxRequest

  • the receiverId is the only mandatory parameter.

  • you can filter the documents per sender, per document Type, per documentFormat

  1. For each document listed in the response,

    2.a. retrieveRequest

Mercurius returns the document in the payload.

attached files are provided using SWA protocol, instead of inline encoding (see applicable section)

    2.b. mark Request

the markRequest is the confirmation that the document was duly retrieved, and the command to remove the document from the inboxRequestResponse


Each time a new processing cycle starts, the collection of incoming documents takes three steps:



  1. submitInboxRequest

  • the receiverId is the only mandatory parameter.

  • you can filter the documents per sender, per document Type, per documentFormat

  1. For each document listed in the response,

    2.a. retrieveRequest

Mercurius returns the document in the payload.

attached files are provided using SWA protocol, instead of inline encoding (see applicable section)

    2.b. mark Request

the markRequest is the confirmation that the document was duly retrieved, and the command to remove the document from the inboxRequestResponse




Outbound e- Ordering involves (a) issuing an Order, and (b) receiving an OrderResponse


Each time a new processing cycle starts, the collection of incoming documents takes three steps:



  1. submitInboxRequest

  • the receiverId is the only mandatory parameter.

  • you can filter the documents per sender, per document Type, per documentFormat

  1. For each document listed in the response,

    2.a. retrieveRequest

Mercurius returns the document in the payload.

attached files are provided using SWA protocol, instead of inline encoding (see applicable section)

    2.b. mark Request

the markRequest is the confirmation that the document was duly retrieved, and the command to remove the document from the inboxRequestResponse


Document format

UBL DocumentTypeCode

syntax (XSD)


status, remarks

BIS Invoice

multiple, cf


BIS Credit Note

multiple, cf


old BIS 2.0 Message Level Response (MLR)



Peppol BIS 36A Message Level Response

  • Decommissioned as of 30/09/2022

  • only supported for outbound traffic

BIS Order

220 (supported variant: 227)


Order Response



Invoice Response



bidirectional support
