Versions Compared


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  1. Mercurius: it is the centralized mailroom for reception and routing of all e-Procurement related electronic and structured documents to and from the public sector. Mercurius thereby serves the public sector in their automation projects, and ensures consistency throughout all public sector entities.
  2. PEPPOL: it is the "new way of posting", suited to structured electronic documents. Mercurius is fully aligned with the PEPPOL model. It is exclusively connected through a PEPPOL accesspoint
  3. Simpl.ePRIOR: interface with the public sector entities, suited to their context, and more specifically aligned with the technology in use on the public sector integrators.
  4. Mercurius portal: provides track and trace function to staff of entities using Mercurius platform. the portal reuses the Network infrastructure (proxy) and the Authentication and Authorization service

Context of this DocumentImage RemovedImage Added

Context of this document


This document is about the Simpl.ePRIOR interface defined on the right side of the schema : it describes the interaction between the Mercurius platform and the Public sector, the customers. The other flows aren't part of this document.Image Removed

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Scope covered by this document


  1. the consumer collects incoming invoice:
    1. the consumer performs a submitInboxRequest on behalf of the target business entity→ in return he gets the list of new documents available in his inbox.
      1. we assume that an invoice is waiting to be picked up
      2. we also assume that it is a PEPPOL BISv3 Invoice  (see later form more explanations over document formats, BISv2 and BIS v3)
    2. the consumer performs a retrieveRequest to pick up the invoice
    3. the consumer performs a mark request to notify Mercurius that it successfully retrieved the invoice, and that the invoice can be removed from the business entity's inbox
  2. The consumer performs the appropriate business processing. This phase is out of scope of the current process. It ends up with a possible response to the original document sender
  3. The consumer performs a submitDocument Request to posts a response to the original document sender, notifying him of the results of the processing by the business entity. It uses the following document format: PEPPOL BIS v2 MessageLevelResponse (MLR).

Sequences of operations

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Document conformance


the following 2 table summarize the key information about the supported document formats.

Format specifications

Document format
UBL DocumentTypeCodesyntax (XSD)semanticstatus

BIS V2 Invoice




  • in phase out.
  • bidirectional support (in-,outbound).

BIS V2 Credit Note




  • in phase out.
  • bidirectional support (in-,outbound).
BIS V3 invoice/CN




BIS V3 Credit Note


BIS V2 Message Level Response (MLR)



PEPPOL BIS 36A Message Level Response

  • in phase out.
  • [TO CHECK] bidirectional support (in-,outbound).
BISV2 Order////UBL-Order-2.1.xsdPEPPOL BIS 28A Orderingoutbound support

Order Response



PEPPOL BIS 28A Ordering

Not supported, no intake programmed yet

Invoice Response



PEPPOL BIS 63A Invoice Response

intake programmed, but not yet started


MercuriusMail-room from the Belgian Public sector, for e-Procurement related structured electronic documents
PEPPOLPan-European Public Procurement Online, PEPPOL enables businesses across Europe and beyond to communicate electronically with public buyers in various stages of the procurement process

OpenPEPPOL is a non-profit international association under Belgian law (Association Internationale Sans But Lucratif – AISBL) and consists of both public sector and private members. The association has assumed full responsibility for the development and maintenance of the PEPPOL specifications, building blocks and its services and implementation across Europe.

IntegratorsIntegrator allow service consumers to access the Simpl.ePRIOR service exposed by the Mercurius platform. The service on the Mercurius platform is only accessible to integrators : Federal ( FSB ) or regional ( Magda, ... )
PortalAlso known as the Mercurius portal, it allows customers and suppliers to monitor (track and trace) the documents received and sent. It provides business information (sender, receiver, business status, date, ...) and access to technical information (messages exchanged, technical status, ...)
FASFederal Authentication Service authenticates authorises users to access the platform

A supplier is an enterprise that contributes goods or services. Generally, a supply chain vendor manufactures inventory/stock items and sells them to the next link in the chain. Today, these terms refer to a supplier of any good or service.


The Peppol definition is the following :

The supplier is the legal person or organization who provides a product and/or service.
Examples of supplier roles: seller, consignor, creditor, economic operator.


In sales, commerce and economics, a customer (sometimes known as a client, buyer, or purchaser) is the recipient of a good, service, product or an idea - obtained from a seller, vendor, or supplier via a financial transaction or exchange for money or some other valuable consideration.


The Peppol definition is the following :

The customer is the legal person or organization who is in demand of a product and/or service.
Examples of customer roles: buyer, consignee, debtor, contracting authority.


Sample Code

This example is provided without any guarantee or support. It's only to help you and show you how to generate code based on the WSDL definition.
