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BOSA, the Belgian Peppol Authority, welcomes you to this collaboration area dedicated to the Belgian jurisdiction. It supports the forums that we are used to organize since 2016 to assist the IT sector in widening the eInvoicing and eProcurement solutions in the Belgian market.
The structure of this area will grow gradually to best fit with the discussions and opportunities that will arise.

Enjoy your visit and let us know!
the eInvoicing team @BOSA DT.


Table of Contents

9956>0208 migration


The enterprise number has been assigned a PEPPOL schemeID in 2016 (9956). The introduction of the EN 16931 caused the need to replace schemeID 9956 by an ICD-compliant new schemeID. FPS Economy, owner of the enterprise number, recently proceeded with the due registration of the enterprise number. ICD 0208 was assigned in april 2020, and recorded in EAS in june 2020. The introduction of schemeID 0208 in the Peppol framework can take place. consequently the removal of 9956 must be organised in synch with 0208 introduction. this is the subject of this topic.




The Belgian PA has identified the following possible migration scenarios:

  1. minimal: AP’s solely manage the migration within the above boundaries

  2. level-1 discipline: Stop 9956-based registrations at X

  3. level-2 discipline: transpose all 9956-based registrations at Y

  4. level-3 discipline : remove all 9956-based registrations at Z

Decision item - consultation of PAs

  • what scenario will be followed == what dates will be defined for X, Y and Z

NB: will enforce the selected discipline level / timing


Hsmp migration token collection interface specifications
