Launch Participants and observers
Sovos (Johan Borendal, Luiz Santos) SIGNED-UPEB2B CERT
OpusCapita (Ahti Allikas) ATTENDED
UnifiedPost (Alex Hincu)
Traffiqx/b4value (Moritz Plößl) ATTENDED
Pagero (Sebastian Boklund)
Axway (Michel Gilis)
MySupply (Jesper Larsen)
Seeburger (Katharina Koch)
IBM (Ger Clancy)
TietoEvry (Tuija Lompolojärvi)
B2BRouter (Henrik Möller) OBSERVE ATTENDED
Logiq (Andreas Bye) OBSERVE
B2Boost (Jan Eekhout)
Visma (Risto Collanus) SIGNED-UPATTENDED
Comarch (Rafal Trojanowski)
Billit (Dirk Willekens)
Storecove (Michael Riviera) SIGNED-UPATTENDED
Meeting Notes
Review Sign-Up and Participation Status
Implementation Status and Planning
Peer-to-peer execution of high-value target scenarios (in Test, using generic data)
Hybrid invoices (Factur-X/ZUGFeRD)
Using SP-specific addresses AND/OR public addresses (0088 or 9930 etc.)