GA16 Agenda

GA16 Agenda

Agenda of the 16th OpenPeppol General Assembly

Approved by MC: 20.09.2023 | Sent to Members: 29.09.2023

  1. Participation and agenda

    1. Approval of agenda (Vote 1)

    2. Participation and validity of representation

    3. Appointment of scrutineer and minute taker (Vote 2)

    4. Approval of the Participation and Voting Procedures and discharge of the Managing Committee and Operating Office members for the execution of those Procedures (Vote 3)

  2. New Statutes of the Association

    1. Brief overview of the changes

    2. Questions and comments to the new Statutes

    3. Approval of the new Statutes (Vote 4)

  3. Approval to provide a proxy for the formal filing to Belgian Authorities (Vote 5)

AoB – Closing.

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