POAC CMB minutes 2019-09-05
POAC CMB minutes 2019-09-05
Date: 2019-09-05
Time: 15:00-16:30 CEST
Type of meeting: Gotomeeting (https://www.gotomeet.me/Paul_Simons)
(P) = Present, (E) Excused
Paul Simons as POAC Community Leader (P)
Elected members (with voting right)
Ahti Allikas (P)
Elisa Bertocchi (Unlicensed) (E)
Magnus Johansson (P)
Jan Andre Mærøe (P)
Observers (without voting right)
Georg Birgisson (P)
Martin Forsberg (P)
Oscar Glanzmann (P)
Siw Midtgård Meckelborg (Unlicensed) (P)
Guests (without voting right)
Jostein Frømyr (P)
Roll call
Approval meeting minutes
- Specific SLA's for POAC in the new Agreement Framework (Jostein as guest speaker)
- Agenda F2F meeting in Brussels
- Replacement of Siw as a dev resource
- Bug fixes/RFC's
Topics not discussed
- Naming convention BIS3 documents
- Coordination validation artiefacts CEF, TC434 and Peppol
- Review release process
- Validation artefacts support until when
- Support of previous version(s) until
- New testbed, any action required
- Outstanding projects 2019
Information items
- The hotfix has been released.
- Siw will no longer be available as dev in the near future.
- She will still be available to assist for the fall release.
- She will be able to assist in the transition to a new resource.
- The meeting minutes of last meeting were approved
- Martin and Magnus will check if any SLA's are relevant and/or necessary to be included in the new Agreement Framework.
- Jostein will deliver the existing templates and presentation as basis for Martin and Magnus.
- Martin and Magnus prepare a proposal to be validated by the CMB.
- If appropriate, an extra CMB will be organised to validate the SLA proposal before end of September.
- The following agenda was approved for the F2F meeting in Brussels
- Document sending via HUB (e.g. Italy)
- What is the responsibility of an AP when something gets depreciated (like stopping BIS2 support) ?
- How can we support the use of (new) identifiers in a faster way (by using an own Peppol identifier) ?
- Country rules methodology (for senders and receivers)
- Rounding issues (e.g. VAT inclusive pricing)
- Crediting processes (How to ?)
- International invoice (Status of project)
- No short term action required yet to replace Siw for the fall release.
- An extra dev meeting is planned on 10/09 to discuss the RFC's for the next release.
- An extra CMB meeting is planned on 12/09 to approve the RFC's proposal made by the dev team.
- My task Georg Birgisson
Action items
- Check if the Jira link on the home page can be replaced with the task list, Georg Birgisson
- Inform Mairy about the fall release, Georg Birgisson
- Launch initiative for synchronizing the code lists across the Peppol communities, Paul Simons
- Check with Lefteris about the recurring release process, Paul Simons,
Next meeting
- 2019-09-12 14.00 - 16.00
, multiple selections available,
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