RefGrp Workgroup Meeting 2022-11-14

RefGrp Workgroup Meeting 2022-11-14



Conclusions/decisions of the meeting

An update of the data models will be made available later this week.

Multiple SP’s started testing different scenarios.

An issue regarding the SG schematron was reported. It will be looked at and addressed in the new version.

A suggestion was made to include the Tax tag validation in the aligned layer and not in the shared layer.

Extended testing is scheduled in the upcoming days.

Service providers shall communicate their scenarios to Paul and/or Georg to be able to prepare Github to track testing.

People that do not have access to the Github repository shall send their account to Georg. A mail with invitation will be sent.

Information from previous meeting.

Oxalis is ready to be used for DDTS. Latest version is on Release Oxalis 5.3.0 · OxalisCommunity/oxalis

Philip Helger has adapted his solution as well. Contact him directly if you use his A.P. software.


Todo for next meeting(s)

  • Service providers shall communicate the most common scenarios they use to the corresponding PA. Goal is to have a realistic set of testcases. Slide 3 of the Agenda can be used as starting point. (All S.P.)

  • S.P. shall send an e-mail to paul.simons@codabox.com or georg@midran.is with the description of the test they want to execute.

  • Georg will create a page for each test.


Next meeting planned on 2022-11-28 09.00 - 10.00 CET