2024.03.12 Plenary Kick-off meeting
Klaus Vilstrup, Richard van Maaren, Kivinen Hannu, Craig Smith, Jakob Stenfalk, Lisa Archbold, Mike Aksamit, Risto Collanus, Joakim Antman, Joze Rihtarsic, Arun Kumar, Dirk Willekens, Hans Berg, Kevin Yu, Sebastian Boklund, Philip Helger, Lefteris Leontaridis, Jelte Jansen, Roel Crooijmans, Jerry Dimitriou, Klaus Lüttich, Siraj Iqbal.
Welcome (see presentation)
Participant presentation (see presentation)
Mission statement and goals (see presentation)
Streams (see presentation)
Organisation - three sub WG:
CIWG A: Technical - Insourcing the Peppol SML in full or partly.
CIWG B: Architectural/Technical - SML federation + Future Architecture.
CIWG C: Business – Data and service sovereignty + Business Requirements
Planning (roadmap) - shortly discussed (see presentation)
Meeting schedule
Next meeting 26th of March @09:00 CET (Plenary)
Tools (see presentation)
Next step
Send your interest in participation in the 3 SubWGs and also your interest in chairing a SubWG to klaus.vilstrup@semik2.dk