The Change Management Board has approved several RFCs that are candidates for the upcoming May release. For these RFCs solutions have been developed by OpenPeppol.
Next to these RFCs the Peppol Authorities of Australia, New Zealand and Singapore have updated their PINT specializations.
The approval process requires that these solutions must be subject to a review by members. The following documents and artefacts are out for member review:
Added new Swedish rule (SE-R-013) for validation of the check number of a Swedish Organization number. The rule is introduced as severity warning. All rules which verifies the format of Organization numbers (SE-R-003, SE-R-004 and SE-R-013) will be changed to severity fatal in next release.
Update of PEPPOL-COMMON-R049 which validates identifiers using ICD/EAS 0007. The change is adding validation of the check number of a Swedish Organization number.
Update for rule NL-R-007 (mandatory paymentmeans), the check should not fire if the document is a creditnote with a positive amount.
The BIS documents and artefacts are accessible for review under the following URL:
BIS Catalogue
Clarified the use of item identifiers. Previusly unclear in the description if "either one of" or "at least one of" Sellers Identifier or Standard Identifier must be stated. It is now clear that it is "at least one of". This change is in line with existing validation rules of the existence of the identifiers.
Statement that Manufacturers item identifier must be stated if it exists is deleted since it was unclear how to interpret the statement and to impossible to verify.
Updated use case 5 to describe the use of deposits using RequiredRelatedItem
Order transaction (T01)
Order Response transaction (T76)
Order Response transaction Advanced (T116)
Catalogue transaction (T19)
Added possibility (by use of a code) to indicate if an item is non-returnable after purchase. The element cac:TransactionConditions/cbc:ActionCode on item-level is used and the code is added to the codelist "Transaction condition code (OpenPeppol)", together with the previous code to indicate if an item is contracted (CT). The element cbc:ActionCode was previously fixed to the value 'CT' since it was the only allowed code, but with this change, it can be used for both purposes.
Update of PEPPOL-COMMON-R049 which validates identifiers using ICD/EAS 0007. The change is adding validation of the check number of a Swedish Organization number.
Added rule to check that an OrderResponse with ResponseTypeCode CA (accepted with amendment on line level) actually has order response lines. The rule is introduced with severity warning and will be changed to severity fatal in next release. The rule is added to both T76 (Order Responseand) and T116 (Order Response Advanced).
Added rule to check that an OrderResponse with ResponseTypeCode AP or RE should not have order response lines. The rule is introduced with severity warning and will be changed to severity fatal in next release. The rule is added to both T76 (Order Responseand) and T116 (Order Response Advanced).
Added rule to check that an OrderResponse with ResponseTypeCode AB must not have order response lines. The rule is introduced with severity error. The rule is added to both T76 (Order Responseand) and T116 (Order Response Advanced).
The BIS documents and artefacts are accessible for review under the following URL:
Corrected syntax binding for IBT-185 and IBT-186.
EN 16931 terminology removed from Glossary
Text on totals in accounting currency removed from general BIS
Removed shared rule [ibr-cl-27]-The Tax scheme code (ibt-167).
Modified rules on cardinaltiy for Payment terms and Payment means.
The PINT documents and artefacts are accessible for review under the following URL:
updated aligned-ibrp-008
renamed ibr-cl-27 to aligned-ibrp-cl-27
editorial changes to BIS (see Tax Information)
EN 16931 terminology removed from Glossary
added example messages to resources
updated aligned-ibrp-008
renamed ibr-cl-27 to aligned-ibrp-cl-27
EN 16931 terminology removed from Glossary
added example messages to resources
The PINT documents and artefacts are accessible for review under the following URL:
Corrected syntax binding for IBT-185 and IBT-186.
EN 16931 terminology removed from Glossary
Text on totals in accounting currency removed from general BIS
Removed shared rule [ibr-cl-27]-The Tax scheme code (ibt-167).
Modified rules on cardinaltiy for Payment terms and Payment means.
The PINT documents and artefacts are accessible for review under the following URL:
Any comments can be submitted by using the comment template. Please do not alter the template. Any altered template cannot be processed. This template must be mailed to
The review period is 4 weeks and ends on 29 April 2024. All comments submitted in the review period will be processed and addressed by the Operating Office and the concerned Peppol Authorities.