POAC CMB minutes 2021-03-04

Date: 2021-03-04

Time: 15:00-16:30 CEST

Type of meeting: Gotomeeting (https://www.gotomeet.me/Paul_Simons)


(P) = Present, (E) Excused


Paul Simons as POAC Community Leader (P)

Elected members (with voting right)

Ahti Allikas (P)

Elisa Bertocchi (Unlicensed) (P)

Magnus Johansson (P)

Jan Andre Mærøe (Deactivated) (P)

Observers (without voting right)

Georg Birgisson (P)

Martin Forsberg (P)

Oscar Glanzmann (P)

Guests (without voting right)

Jalini.Srisgantharajah@dfo.no (P)


  1. Approval of the meeting minutes

  2. Review bug list

  3. Spring release
  4. Release manager
  5. Templates release process
  6. Development and release process
  7. Swedish construction industry use of BIS
  8. Impact analysis mandatory IRM
  9. Collaboration with EESPA on the IRM
  10. Date next meeting

Topics not discussed

Information items


  • The meeting minutes of the last meeting were approved.
  • The bug list has been discussed this time and the necessary decisions have been taken.
  • The spring release is on track and will be deployed as scheduled.
  • Georg announced that he will retire as Release manager but remains available for a smooth transition. As the new agreement suggests other responsibilities for the role, we will have to see what impact it has and how to replace Georg.
  • We wish to thank Georg anyhow for his dedication and effort.
  • The templates for POAC for the new agreement have briefly been discussed. The template will be sent to all members to prepare for the next meeting.
  • Norway has a proposition for implementing IMR. Three countries have a similar project running being, Norway, Holland and AUNZ. We suggest that Norway contacts the 2 other countries to come with a joint approach rather than overlapping.
  • Discussions on the improvement of the development process is an ongoing topic and will also be picked up in the new infrastructure agreement.
  • The date for the next meeting has been proposed for 2021-04-01 at 15.00. To be confirmed via Doodle.

Action items

Next meeting

  • Proposed but TBC 2021-04-01 15.00 - 16.30
