After receiving an eB2B Test certificate, the first functional milestone of the build will be to simply connect to another eB2B access point. This other AP can be either a partner or the OpenPeppol Testbed eB2B suite eDelivery suite (using an “eB2B AP Test” client certificate).
Then, the next step is to gradually extend the functionality of the AP and SMP used to cover more of the eB2B specific implementation rules.
Software base: “regular” AP , (see e.g. phase4-eb2b, Oxalis, Domibus or others https://peppol.org/tools-support/links-to-software/)
Needs to be configured with the an “eB2B Test Certificate” for the AS4 layer
Note that the latter may require light modifications to the AP software to accept the CN. The eB2B AP issuer certificate is part of the Peppol PKI (see Introduction to the revised PKI . A complete JKS truststore including all Peppol certificates can be found here: https://github.com/phax/peppol-commons/tree/master/peppol-commons/src/main/resources/truststore Certificate infrastructure and issuing process). Some of the software providers already provide pre-configured packages for use in the eB2B domain.
Setup an SMP (Test/SMK) for use with eB2B
Software base: “regular” SMP , e.g. phOSS SMP or others(again, see https://peppol.org/tools-support/links-to-software/ )
eB2B uses the plain “Peppol SMP” certificate, so it’s possible to use an existing SMP or setup a dedicated instance
Add the eB2B AP certificate to the configuration to be used in receiving service meta data
Needs to pick a relevant subset of, and then configure (as required):
Document / Process types per section 4.4 and 4.5 of the Solution Architecture (not part of theeDEC the eDEC codelists (yet))
Particularly make sure to include “Message Level Status” (section 4.5.4)
End User Identifiers and Service Provider Identifiers per section 4.3 and 4.2 respectively