After receiving an eB2B Test certificate, the first functional milestone of the build will be to simply connect to another eB2B access point. This other AP can be either a partner or the OpenPeppol Testbed eB2B suite.
Then, the next step is to gradually extend the functionality of the AP and SMP used to cover more of the eB2B specific implementation rules.
First Milestone: Establish eB2B connectivity
Setup an (initial) eB2B Access Point (Test/SMK)
Configure End Users in your eB2B SMP in SMK, using eB2B Process Type(s) and the eB2B AP certificate
Setup the corresponding (minimal?) receiving process
Send a test document (manually?)
Send an MLS response in the “opposite” direction (manually)
Milestone 2: Add mandatory functionality
Extend eB2B Access Point: Generate MLS
The receiving AP needs to also validate that any connection request from a sending AP comes from an eB2B certified AP, if an eB2B Process Type is used. This is required to ensure that only valid senders participate in the eB2B choreographies. This can be tested by allowing only certificates issued by “PEPPOL EB2B ACCESS POINT CA - G2“ (Production).
Add shared document type (EN16931 eB2B Extension)
At a minimum, the EN16931-eB2B Extension should be supported.
Milestone 3 ff.: Add application-level components
Having completed the required functionality, the actual business processes need to be implemented in Message Flows. The choice and level of detail is heavily dependent on the target business scenario, including
Sending hybrid files using a network or point-to-point address
Sending EDIFACT files using a network or point-to-point address
Implement sender validation checks on network endpoints (to ensure controlled onboarding)
… and much more …